Thu, 02 Jan 2020
Olympia Le-Tan
Mild Bunch Sound System
Kenji Takimi (Crue-L | Being Borings)
and more guest
2016年の初リリースから一躍人気DJへ成長を遂げたPeggy GouがContactに初登場! 韓国語で歌いあげるトラック“Kハウス”をセルフレーベル〈Gudu Records〉や名門〈Ninja Tune〉からリリースし、ロンドンではフェスティバルを仕掛けるなど、破竹の勢いで活動を続ける注目アーティストが新春のダンスフロアを華やかに彩る。
NikeやLouis Vuittonとのコラボレーションや自身のファッションレーベルKIRINをはじめとするファッション界での活躍も著しいPeggy Gou。音楽制作では「It Makes You Forget (Itgehane)」でブレイクして以降、ダンス欲を刺激するトラックに自身のボーカルをのせる独自の路線を開拓し続けている。今年、人気ミックスシリーズ「DJ Kicks」を担当した際には、90年代のテクノ~エレクトロニカや最新のベースミュージックを、あたたかくキャッチーなメロディセンスでまとめあげ、DJとしての幅広さを証明してみせた。今回の出演でも同様のプレイを期待だ! 各方面から注目を集めるPeggy Gouが届ける一夜をお見逃しなく!
「One of the brightest talents in recent memory brings the sound of K-house to Contact」
The rise of Peggy Gou has been impossible to ignore for anyone following global dance music culture. The South Korean artist first came to light via a head-turning release on Rekids, The Art Of War Part 1, but she had already been honing her craft as a DJ in London via a residency at The Book Club. Having also studied fashion while developing her musical career, her career now represents a two-pronged celebration of style – both the widely adored sheen of her infectious house music (which she self-styles as K-house) and her own clothing line, KIRIN. Collaborations with Nike and Louis Vuitton have further cemented Gou’s presence in the fashion world.
“It Makes You Forget (Itgehane)” was the hit that broke Gou through to the masses, but she’s taken that success in her stride and continued to forge ahead with her own sound, developing her voice as a singer on “Once” and building up her own Gudu Records. Her recently released entry in the fabled DJ Kicks series showcased the breadth of her taste as a DJ, spanning electronica and 90s techno as much as modern bass music but all bound by a warm, ear-catching sense for melody. That’s the style you can expect to hear when she makes a highly anticipated appearance on the Studio X floor.
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YOKOHAMA COAST Garage+ / Kanagawa, Japan