02.11 (Tue)
18才から地元松山のCLUB のスタッフとして働いた後、97年に松山CLUB BIBROSにおいてレジデントDJとして迎えられキャリアをスタートする。01年、活動拠点を東京に移しDJネームをJICKに改め、自身がオーガナイズするパーティー“BA.BA.REEBA!”を立ち上げる。“BA.BA.REEBA!”は“最高”を意味し、由来は彼にDJを志す切っ掛けを与えてくれたCLUBの名前である。04年、拠点を渋谷WOMBに移し“BA.BA.REEBA!”は本格的に始動し、国内外のアーティスト達との共演やJICKの奇抜なパフォーマンスなど注目を集めるようになる。09年、KAZUYA TAMURAとして南米アルゼンチンでのDJ出演など、ワールドワイドに活動範囲を広げ現在に至る。
KAZUYA TAMURAのスタイルは南米アルゼンチンのダンスミュージック・シーンに多大な影響を受け、プログレッシブ・ハウスを軸に幅広いジャンルから構成され、エッジの効いた展開と安定したミックスセンスはフロアー全体に安心感をあたえ優しさを感じさせる。
Kazuya Tamura's style has been built under the great influence of the dance music scene in Argentina. He is very pleased this year to share his sound at Creamfields buenos aires 2009 for his first international performance. He started his career in 1997 with a residency at club BIBROS in Matsuyama Japan, where he was born. Making the move to Tokyo in 2001 has helped Kazuya build a name for himself as JICK with his own inspired party "BA.BA.REEBA!", which means 'the best'. In many years of performing at club WOMB in Japan, JICK has done his own performances and has collaborated with domestic and international artists alike. His style is a mix of progre... More Biography
KAZUYA TAMURAのスタイルは南米アルゼンチンのダンスミュージック・シーンに多大な影響を受け、プログレッシブ・ハウスを軸に幅広いジャンルから構成され、エッジの効いた展開と安定したミックスセンスはフロアー全体に安心感をあたえ優しさを感じさせる。
Kazuya Tamura's style has been built under the great influence of the dance music scene in Argentina. He is very pleased this year to share his sound at Creamfields buenos aires 2009 for his first international performance. He started his career in 1997 with a residency at club BIBROS in Matsuyama Japan, where he was born. Making the move to Tokyo in 2001 has helped Kazuya build a name for himself as JICK with his own inspired party "BA.BA.REEBA!", which means 'the best'. In many years of performing at club WOMB in Japan, JICK has done his own performances and has collaborated with domestic and international artists alike. His style is a mix of progre... More Biography