Wata Igarashi (WIP)
Shhhhh (El Forclore Paradox)
Alminium -Live
Chida (ene)
TYTL (Zooey Loomer 1979 & DIL)
scrab (phantom)
Opus. (Daichi & Kamome)
Pop-up Mezcal Bar
Wata Igarashiのパフォーマンスやリリースの精巧かつ徹底した空間的プロダクションは、彼がこのシーンにおいてグローバルアーティストたらしめる所以にもなっている。ミニマルテクノのフォーマットに、内在的なエネルギーや多面的なニュアンスが卓越した変換技術で具現化される、複雑で玄人好みなそのパフォーマンスの真価はフロアが熱し始めたディープタイムでさらに発揮される。空間的な音処理や微細な領域への巧みな誘導に、複合的な音のスペースを内側から見上げるような不思議な感覚をおぼえるファンは多いのではないだろうか。それに対し、ワールドミュージックや多国籍サイケデリックミュージックの至宝 Shhhhhのラインナップは余りにも趣を異にする。膨大なトラックリストの音楽の核をつなぎ合わせる、他に類をみないスタイルは強い中毒性と多幸感がともなう。今回のテクノセットでの出演は、彼の宇宙が濃縮される途方もない圧力をともなったユートピアの出現を匂わせている。さらに、繰り返される実験により高い水準での電子音楽表現を獲得したAlminiumや、ノイズやアンビエント、テクノといった音像の分解と再構築による、多層的な音の造形を実現するASTMAといったラインナップは、音楽の冒険家への高い満足度を約束している。
一方Contactフロアでの、オーガニックなファンクネスとエレクトロニクスに介在するフィジカルなサウンドは都内に点在するアンダーグラウンドなベニューの間でも根強い支持をうける優れたサブシーンとなっている。国内で孤高とも呼べる声望を得るChidaは、豊富な素材が生み出すイノベーティブなプロダクションから今では海外での認知がより優っている。自身の〈ene records〉の実績や、Berghainの人気パーティKlubnachtへの出演、ベルリンGriessmuehleを中心としたヨーロッパ各所で開催されるDiscodromo主宰の名物クィアパーティCockTail d’Amoreへの度重なる招聘など、ハウスを軸にした解釈の拡大、レフトフィールドディスコ、トライバル等の幻惑的な音像で国内および世界でも特別な評価を受けている。ジャンルを無視した幅とずれのトリップ感で鳴らすZooye Loomerと、ベースミュージックとハウスのクロスオーヴァーで独自のドライブ感を有するDILによる、彼らのクルー/パーティTYTL(Too Young To Love)のクレジットでの豊潤なB2Bも期待が高い。さらに、テクノからディスコといった幅広いジャンルをトライバリッシュに進行させるscrabや、Vinyl YouthのDaichiとKamomeによるサイケデリックなコズミック、バレアリックが舞いたつOpus.といった、音楽達者による強い芳香が夜を深める。
「A mutant party where specialists meet in harmony」
The current state of the club music scene in this isolated island country has evolved into an unpredictable form, combining the desire of the audience for the party with the desire of the artist to explore the self-world. Its succession of accidental discoveries have revealed an alarming potential of the domestic club music scene, and it definitely feels like the deepening movement is being carried out at the current moment. It is no exaggeration to say that this lineup is also a product of the desire for fantasy created by the audience. The contrast and fusion of music in high vectors such as regular repetition and irregular distortion, electronic sound and musical instrument sound, inevitable and accidental, refined technology and great strengths that reflect the inclination to break away from the existing, which is difficult to describe in words.
Wata Igarashi's performances, releases, exquisite and thorough spatial productions prove him to be a global artist in this scene. In the format of Minimal Techno, intrinsic energy and multifaceted nuances are embodied with outstanding transformation technique, and the true value of the complex and expert-like performance is further demonstrated during the deep time when the floor begins to heat up. We are sure that many fans will get a sense of the mysterious feeling of looking up at the complex sound space from within by the skilled guidance into spatial sound processing domain. In contrast to that of Wata's sound, the World Music and multi-national Psychedelic Music's treasured Shhhhh adds a different flavor to the lineup. His unique style, addicting and euphoric, connects the core of music with a massive track list as his arsenal. His universe that is enriched with extraordinary navigation, we can anticipate the emergence of utopia from this occasion's Techno Set performance. In addition, achieving a high standard of expression of Electronic Music, Alminium and ASTMA, who's sound focuses on Noise/Ambient/Techno that deconstructs in order to reconstruct, will be adding to the lineup promising a high quality musical adventure.
Contact floor takes on a more physical sound that is based around the funkness of organic yet electronic, a sub-scene that has gained strong support in the underground venues throughout Tokyo. Chida, a prominent figure not only in Japan, has gained more and more recognition overseas for his innovative productions. Known for his own label〈ene records〉, appearances at Berghain's popular party Klubnacht, Discodromo's queer party Cock Tail d'Amore held in Griessmuehle, Berlin and various parts of Europe, his extended interpretation of House goes beyond to Left Field Disco and Tribal that is extremely valued worldwide. The crew/party TYTL (Too Young To Love) is comprised of the trippy sounds that defy the boundaries of genres by Zooey Loomer, and the unique crossover of driving Bass Music and House by DIL will be going B2B. To complete the lineup we have scrab who's Tribalistic sound ranges from Techno to Disco and various genres, Daichi and Kamome from Vinyl Youth with their psychedelic cosmic, and the soaring Balearic sounds of Opus giving off their strong yet pleasant fragrance to deepen the night.
Contact's system will be quenching the thirst of Dance Music fans and liberating the people from the distorted extended world that arose from the external pressures that struck all humanity.
Open 1PM
¥1000 Under 23 | Before 2PM
¥1500 GH G Members
¥2000 GH S Members | Advance
¥3000 Door
slash kawasaki / Kanagawa, Japan