Wed, 21 Aug 2019
ロンドン在住。DJ Boring の “Winona” は一瞬のうちに誰もが知るトラックとして有名になった。現状、Youtubeでは150万回以上の視聴を得て、vinylは即ソールドアウトとなった。
Vinyl愛好家、DJ BoringのDJ名である “退屈” を彼から連想させるのは程遠いものがある。
DJ Boring’s instant classic “Winona” has got everyone talking. Since launch, the track’s managed to rack
up 550,000 plays on Youtube and sell out in all vinyl retailers.
A vinyl enthusiast at heart, DJ Boring is fact the furthest thing for boring. Impressing with imaculate skills, mature selections, and a warm smile, the Londoner is set to make his mark on the international stage.... More Biography
Vinyl愛好家、DJ BoringのDJ名である “退屈” を彼から連想させるのは程遠いものがある。
DJ Boring’s instant classic “Winona” has got everyone talking. Since launch, the track’s managed to rack
up 550,000 plays on Youtube and sell out in all vinyl retailers.
A vinyl enthusiast at heart, DJ Boring is fact the furthest thing for boring. Impressing with imaculate skills, mature selections, and a warm smile, the Londoner is set to make his mark on the international stage.... More Biography