前人未到! 4年連続 ”世界No1"の偉業を成し遂げた正真正銘のトップDJ、Dixonが再来日!!
Claiming the unprecedented achievement of being the world’s number one DJ for four consecutive years - Dixon is the real deal, and he will be making his way back to Japan to play for us!
Last year, Dixon, one of the world's leading DJs, announced a limited collaboration with the popular fashion brand “sacai”, and held a launch party in VENT. We are pleased to announce his much-anticipated return to VENT, on November 28th!
Voted by the electronic music industry’s leading web publication, Resident Advisor’s readers as number one DJ for 4 years in a row, it is fair to say that Dixon is sitting on top of the DJ world, at the moment. The curtains have now closed on this past summers resident party “Transmoderna” at Ibiza’s famed club, Pacha, the 4-month endeavor delivered to the many an audience an cutting-edge technology-filled experience that won’t be forgotten.
Earlier in his career, he DJed at Atari Teen Age Riot’s party, and was a member of Sonar Kollektive led by Jazzanova - working in the center of the Berlin scene. In 2005, Innervisions, a platform of artists as well as label, was established along with Âme. Producing something that always has added value, such as constantly releasing works carefully selected with his own unique aesthetics, or hosting the Lost In Moment parties that have been held in an unusual locations like an old castle, a remote island, or a museum - Dixon has always been very successful in putting many ideas into action.
The old tradition developed by house music contain both innovative and iconic sounds, and continues to draw in many followers. As for the DJ, it is certain that their craft is something that is honed night after night spent playing to audiences of a wide variety, delivering only the best, and we want you to experience the very best of the best when Dixon hits the decks at VENT, so don’t miss out!
- sacai / dixon ↣ TOGETHER WE DANCE ALONE -
DATE : 11/28 (THU)
OPEN : 21:00
DOOR : ¥4,000 / FB discount : ¥3,500
Dixon (Innnervisions)
Shotaro Maeda
KON & Y. (Timothy Really)
kosuke itoda (SLEEPING BAG)
Maxxrelax (blackmaps / mild bunch)
Fraser Cooke (Nike / mild bunch)
Daisuke G.
Yo Nishijima
[ FACE BOOKイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中!
Join the event for ¥500 off !! Click " Join " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of joined event page at the entrance.
※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。
※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.
URL : http://vent-tokyo.net/
Seaside Bar NEPTUNE / Kanagawa, Japan