Soichi Terada -Live
Midori Aoyama
FAT PEACE (bamboo)
Yutarou Asb
Toshio Matsuura
No Nations
自身のレーベル〈Eureka!〉や日本のローカルシーンに焦点を当てたインターネットラジオTsubaki FMを主宰するMidori Aoyamaが新しいパーティを始動。日本のみならず、世界をツアーして培った音楽観やネットワークを活かし世代やジャンルを問わず絶妙なクロスオーバーをこのWILDHEARTで目指す。黎明期のクラブシーンから現在までトップレベルで活躍するSoichi Terada、そして90年代のアシッドジャズシーンを牽引し、今も色褪せることなく新たな音楽を追求するToshio Matsuuraのベテランに加えて、次世代のムーブメントを作るべく集まった新たなコレクティブNo Nationsが所縁のある仲間と共にフロアを彩る。「IF YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT, YOU GOTTA DO IT YOURSELF」新たな顔ぶれで作る新しい音楽のストーリーを是非フロアで体感して欲しい。
「Superb musical journey by veterans intertwined with new comers」
The label owner of〈Eureka!〉and the founder of the internet radio Tsubaki FM that focuses on Japan’s local scene, Midori Aoyama launches his new party. With the experience and the network he has gained by touring and playing gigs around the world, he aims to crossover various genres of different generations for his new party WILDHEART. Top class veteran Soichi Terada who’s been active since the early days of the club scene, a leading figure of the 90’s Acid Jazz scene who continues to explore new horizons Toshio Matsuura will be featured in the lineup. The collective, with the aim to create a movement of the next generation, No Nations, will be adding new colors to the dance floor along with their trusted friends. 「IF YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT, YOU GOTTA DO IT YOURSELF」to write a new story with new faces.
Open 10PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥1000 Before 11PM
¥1500 GH G Members
¥2000 GH S Members
¥2500 FB Discount
¥3000 Door
DJ BAR Bridge SHINJUKU / Tokyo, Japan
MIDNIGHT EAST (Spotify O-EAST / 東間屋) / Tokyo, Japan
The Garden Hall / Tokyo, Japan