Ryokei (How High | ATM)
Wada Yosuke (Sound Bar mui)
Yuta Suzuki
《Notice of Cancelled》
Due to the state of emergency, the event Less. scheduled on 1/15 (Fri.) will be postponed.
We sincerely apologize to all the people that were looking forward to the event, but we ask you for your understanding in this matter.
初回のLess.では、電子音楽家としてひときわ光彩を放つAOKI Takamasaがゲスト出演し、盛況のうちに一夜を終えたことが記憶に新しい。第2回目となる今回は、CHAOSのオーガナイズに関わり、昨年ベルリンから帰国後に大阪へ拠点を移したTaroとCircus Osakaを中心にMax BestやPhil Evansなど玄人好みの海外アーティストの来日サポートを務めるMiTSUYASUが大阪から登場。さらに東京からは、自身のパーティー「How High」にて海外アーティストのみならずdj masdaやJunki Inoueといった海外拠点の日本人トップアーティストも招いてきたRyokei、ContactでのミニマルパーティーStreet Smartのオーガナイズにも携わるAtsukiが出演する。また、Contactフロアには、千葉muiを拠点に日本各地のパーティーで活躍するベテラン、Wada Yosukeもラインナップ。磨き抜かれたそれぞれのDJセットを堪能していただきたい。
「2 guests from the west side of the minimal scene」
The success of the first edition of Less. with AOKI takamasa, a brilliant Electronic Music composer, is still fresh in our memories. The 2nd installment features Taro, organizer of CHAOS who returned from Berlin last year and is now based in Osaka, and MiTSUYASU from Osaka who has supported international acts such as Max Best and Phil Evans at Circus Osaka. From the Tokyo sector, organizer of the party「How High」which has headlines international acts as well as Japanese artists including dj masda and Junki Inoue, Ryokei will be joining in the main room along with Atsuki, the host of the Minimal party「Street Smart」held at Contact. In the Contact floor, Wada Yosuke, a true veteran based at Sound Bar mui in Chiba who plays at various parties across the nation, will be leading the pack.
Open 1PM / Close 8PM
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¥3000 Door
ALADDIN KOGA Entertainment Lounge - アラジン古河 / Ibaraki, Japan
1/3rd Life Akihabara / Tokyo, Japan