Issyo (GHOSTING | Then | Emotional content)
Rena19 (GOO | DAYTONA)
TAT2K (NIKALAGUA EXODUS | REDEMPTION | Emergency Exit | Electrik Urei)
Toshiaki Coyama (Electrik Urei)
video-kid (DAYTONA)
Amii (Misdistribution)
Mazlika (Mnchr-m)
Naoki Iwata (HAMMOCK DREAM | Attic Party)
Yoshiki Aoyama
野葬 -Live
前回に引き続き、ContactフロアではTHE GUEST HOUSEの首謀者Da yamaをはじめ、長年数々の箱でプレイ、サポートを重ねてきた信頼のToshiaki Coyama、Seoul Community Radio、Modeciでの出演と青山ZERO、渋谷KOARAでのレギュラーイベントを軸に野外での活動も広げるNIAKALAGUA EXODUSのTAT2K、オブスキュアーでありながらダンサブルへの選曲を唯一無二のセンスでまとめるIssyo、渋谷、四つうちの聖地Techniqueを支え間違いないトレンドを掴んだプレイを披露するtommy。
対してFoyerフロアは、ディスコ、ジャズ、ロックを縦横無尽にちょうどいい温度感で聴かせるYoshiki Aoyama、〈Interflow Records〉よりシングルリリースを果たしたガラージ、ビート、ベースを軸におくEURLICA、アブナイ音をダンサーならではの視点でビートを展開するMazlika、ネオソウル、デトロイト、アンビエント、ポップを縦横無尽にポエティックにプレイする緑茶、渋谷を徘徊するスチールパン奏者でもありアフロ、カリプソに日々愛を注ぐAmii、ディスコ、ディープハウスの安定したグルーヴに定評があるNaoki Iwata、舞踊、ビートセッション、法螺貝と幅広く表現活動を続ける野葬。
작은클럽부터 대형 클럽의 player, COUNTER CULTURE로서의 음악과 그로 인한 치유와 열광.
다양한 문맥을 거쳐 모인 도쿄의 DJ들이 보여주는 시간, 다양성이 아닌 많은 사람의 음악의 편집작업을 눈으로 직접 확인 시켜주는 시간.
절대적 차이와 동시에 공유하는 그루브를 느끼길 바란다.
「Players of small to big clubs, music as a counterculture, healing, enthusiasm, and experimentation」
Tokyo's local DJs coming from various contexts gather in numbers to display their works as a compilation rather than focusing on diversity. This will be the second party this year.
Following their previous party, Contact floor will be navigated by Da yama, the mastermind behind THE GUEST HOUSE. Toshiaki Coyama, who's gained trust and support playing at various clubs throughout many years; TAT2K from NIAKALAGUA EXODUS, who hosts regular events at Aoyama ZERO, Shibuya KOARA, playing at outdoor parties, and appearances for Seoul Community Radio and Modeci; obscure yet danceable selections by Issyo; tommy from Technique, Shibuya's holy ground for dance music; Rena 19, who has developed her own unique Tokyo sound by digging in Ikebukuro and Shibuya; video-kid, a mutli-talent with an ever-lasting Padawan mind who designs flyers and T-Shirts will be adding to the lineup. Contact floor will be full of individuality.
In Foyer floor, Yoshiki Aoyama plays Disco/Jazz/Rock at just the right flow. EURLICA, who released a single from〈Interflow Records〉, brings Garage/Beat/Bass to the table. Mazlika, from a dancer's point of view, takes on a different approach to beat progressions. Ne Soul/Detroit/Ambient/Pop by the poetic performer 緑茶; steelpan playerAmii, an Afro/Calypso music enthusiast; the steady Deep House grooves by Naoki Iwata; 野葬, active in dance, beat sessions, conch flute and various forms of expression will be providing a contrast to the main floor.
Foyer floor is going to be filled with good music with a psychedelic feel.
Witness the passion, various forms of expression, and the blending of different colors by active members not only in the DJ field.
작은클럽부터 대형 클럽의 player, COUNTER CULTURE로서의 음악과 그로 인한 치유와 열광.
다양한 문맥을 거쳐 모인 도쿄의 DJ들이 보여주는 시간, 다양성이 아닌 많은 사람의 음악의 편집작업을 눈으로 직접 확인 시켜주는 시간.
절대적 차이와 동시에 공유하는 그루브를 느끼길 바란다.
Open 21:00
¥1000 Under 23
¥1500 Door
YOKOHAMA COAST Garage+ / Kanagawa, Japan
道玄坂教会 -the Church- / Tokyo, Japan
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan
sound studio DOM / Tokyo, Japan
White Space Lab / Tokyo, Japan