Kandarta, formed by OSAMU M and Hideo Kobayashi, is a neo-techno duo that embodies an emotional and cinematic essence akin to an epic movie experience. Their performances gather various artists who blend their music, visuals, lighting, and spatial effects, crafting an immersive entertainment spectacle. Each individual sharing this encounter can spark personal inspiration, weaving new ideas and imaginings, imprinting these sensations into their mind and body, and rekindling nostalgic or forgotten connections and memories. The event "Neuron" at WOMB presents an opportunity to explore the potential of altering our genetic switches and the power of our memories.
In May, we hosted Hunter/Game(Afterlife) from Milan, followed by SOEL(Afterlife) from New york in November as special guests. The support from guests and the enthusiastic crowd, coupled with Kandarta's captivating performance, ignited a new movement and resulted in tremendous success.
This time, Mathame, a globally acclaimed melodic techno duo originating from Mount Etna in Sicily, will grace Japan's stage for the first time at NEURON. Since their debut, Mathame has gained popularity, receiving strong backing from Tale of Us and the Afterlife records family.Their music creates a mesmerizing fusion of dark romanticism, blending sorrow and beauty, constructing a sci-fi realm brimming with ethereal energy. It's no overstatement to proclaim Mathame as one of today's most sought-after artists worldwide. We highly encourage you to immerse yourself in Mathame's cinematic universe at WOMB Tokyo.