Deep Underground Techno Party
White Space Lab
1/25 Thu. 19:00-24:00
Door.1,500 / Adv.1,000 yen
1月のPolynasiaは、2009年にDJ活動を始め国内外の様々なPartyに出演経験を持ち、昨年は静岡・沼津の野外フェス「Transcendence」への出演を果たすなど広範囲で活躍し、またGemとの2人ユニット「PALM BABYS」としても定評のあるAtsuko Satoriと、ハウス・テクノ・ビートダウン・ブロークンビーツやエレクトロなどの変則もの等の様々なテイストを幅広く取り入れグルーヴを重視したプレイに定評があり、渋谷を中心にDEPERTURE@The Room、gray scale@BALL、ブロークンビーツ酒場@BALLなどのPartyにレギュラー出演しているSayuriと、Red Barの「NO HOUSE?」やKOARAのDetroitに特化したParty「R.S.A」などにレギュラー出演し、その他渋谷を中心にHouse/Techno Partyで精力的に活躍しているSATOSHI MATSUIの3名をGuestに迎え、厳冬の候、繊細で芸術的なHouse/Technoで小箱の夜を彩る。
Atsuko Satori ( PALM BABYS )
◇Atsuko Satori
19:00~20:00 Aibis
20:00~21:00 Arao
21:00~22:00 Sayuri
22:00~23:00 Atsuko Satori
23:00~24:00 SATOSHI MATSUI
January's Polynasia started DJing in 2009 and has performed at various indoor parties.Last year, she performed at the outdoor festival "Transcendence" in Shizuoka and Numazu, and has been active all over the country. Satuko Satori, who is also well-known as the two-person unit "PALM BABYS", has a reputation for playing with an emphasis on groove, incorporating a wide range of irregular tastes such as house, techno, beatdown, broken beats and electro, and is known for his groove-oriented play. Sayuri regularly performs at parties such as DEPERTURE@The Room, grayscale@BALL, and Broken Beats Bar @BALL, as well as Red Bar's "NO HOUSE?" and KOARA's Detroit-specific party "R.S.A." SATOSHI MATSUI, who regularly appears on the festival and is active at house/techno parties mainly in Shibuya, will be invited as guests. Color the night.
■Guest DJ紹介
○Atsuko Satori ( PALM BABYS )
Since 2009, he has been working as a DJ at parties and festivals in Japan and abroad. He creates a unique organic music space with a floating feeling and warmth by adding dub elements to a heavy and rugged bass. He is one of the DJs who continues to pursue the concept of dance music, transcending the boundaries of genres, with a focus on house music.
レジデントとして参加していた『DESTINATION』にて、2009年7月にDESTINATIONクルーを中心に立ち上げたフリーペーパー/クリエィティブマガジン『DESTINATION MAGAZINE』ではライターとして活動。在籍時から海外アーティストのサポートや大小様々なパーティー、DOMMUNE出演等にて活動している。ハウス、テクノ、ビートダウン、ブロークンビーツやエレクトロなどの変則もの等の様々なテイストを幅広く取り入れグルーヴを重視したプレイに定評があり、パーティーの時間帯、場所に合わせて選曲している。現在のレギュラーパーティーは、DEPERTURE@The Room、gray scale@BALL、ブロークンビーツ酒場@BALL
While participating in DESTINATION as a resident, he also works as a writer for the free paper/creative magazine "DESTINATION MAGAZINE", which was launched by the DESTINATION crew in July 2009. Since joining the group, he has been active in supporting overseas artists, participating in large and small parties, and appearing on DOMMUNE. He has a reputation for playing with a focus on groove, incorporating a wide range of tastes such as house, techno, beatdown, broken beat, and electro, and choosing songs to suit the time and location of the party. Current regular parties are DEPERTURE@The Room, grayscale@BALL, and Broken Beats Bar@BALL.
DJ 。さんピンCAMP DVD世代だが、Hi-TEK SOULの洗礼を受け次第にHouse / Technoへと傾倒していく。主に都内の大箱、小箱問わず出没。 REDBAR(ex.OATH)のサンデーアフタヌーンハウスパーティー"NO HOUSE?"をYUKI KAKUNO, KENGO, KAORYと共に主謀、またKOARAでのYonenaga主催のデトロイトをテーマにしたパーティー、"R.S.A"のレジデントでもある。
DJ. Although he belongs to the Sanpin CAMP DVD generation, he gradually turned to house/techno after being baptized by Hi-TEK SOUL. They mainly appear in Tokyo, regardless of size. He is also the mastermind behind REDBAR's (ex. OATH) Sunday afternoon house party ``NO HOUSE?''. Along with YUKI KAKUNO, KENGO, and KAORY, he is also a resident at ``R.S.A,'' a Detroit-themed party hosted by KOARA's Yonenaga.
★Free food is also available buffet style from 19:00 to 21:00.
■Resident Advisor
■White Space Lab
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan