日本が世界に誇るレジェンド、ハードダンス/ハードトランスの帝王「YOJI BIOMEHANIKA」と、氏の盟友にして最先端のハードグルーヴサウンドを司るダンスクリエイター/DJ、「REMO-CON」が贈る、大阪エクスクルーシブな一夜 <CHEVAL BLΛCK> が実現!
Armed with numerous big anthems that everyone knows and a one and only stage presence, YOJI BIOMEHANIKA, the king of hard dance and hard trance, has been captivating the crowds for many years with his many big anthems and unique stage presence.
This world-class Japanese legend will be joined by his close friend REMO-CON, a dance creator and DJ who is at the forefront of the hard groove sound, for an exclusive night in Osaka.
The dance floor will be decorated with a special selection of songs and production that will include not only killer tunes from the past, but also unreleased material.
Don't miss it!
The event will be held from 20:00 to 24:00.
(Please note that these hours are different from CHEVAL's regular business hours!)