Tue, 04 Feb 2025
This is a mainstream bass music party held at ZEROTOKYO!!
This party proposes a new interpretation of bass music. It is genre-less and crazy, not bound by stereotypes. Starting a big movement from a small culture!! Kabukicho Tower will be GROUND ZERO!!
The second main guest will be "Chase & Status" who will perform a DJ set!! They are the kings of Drum & Bass, a new movement in the scene. They are the headliners of SNOW MACHINE 2025. This is their first performance in Tokyo since Sonic Mania in 2011!!
Chase & Status is one of the most successful British bands of the past decade. As their high-energy performances at the ULTRA MIAMI 2024 main stage and elsewhere show, they are the pioneers of the recent Drum & Bass movement, centered in the UK, with their overwhelming popularity and overwhelming talent.
Don't miss this legendary performance that will captivate the audience with its genre-shattering exhilaration and raging soundscape!!!
TJO and SO-SO will be performing on the main floor, Z HALL. With bass music as the core, a variety of fierce artists will gather, maki... Learn More
"Butterfly Effect = A very small event eventually leads to a big event that you never expected"
This is a mainstream bass music party held at ZEROTOKYO!!
This party proposes a new interpretation of bass music. It is genre-less and crazy, not bound by stereotypes. Starting a big movement from a small culture!! Kabukicho Tower will be GROUND ZERO!!
The second main guest will be "Chase & Status" who will perform a DJ set!! They are the kings of Drum & Bass, a new movement in the scene. They are the headliners of SNOW MACHINE 2025. This is their first performance in Tokyo since Sonic Mania in 2011!!
Chase & Status is one of the most successful British bands of the past decade. As their high-energy performances at the ULTRA MIAMI 2024 main stage and elsewhere show, they are the pioneers of the recent Drum & Bass movement, centered in the UK, with their overwhelming popularity and overwhelming talent.
Don't miss this legendary performance that will captivate the audience with its genre-shattering exhilaration and raging soundscape!!!
TJO and SO-SO will be performing on the main floor, Z HALL. With bass music as the core, a variety of fierce artists will gather, making it a truly interdisciplinary battle. And with various genres intersecting on each floor, this lineup will allow you to fully experience the mobility of ZEROTOKYO within the broad framework of bass music.
Butterfly Effect Vol.02 feat. Chase & Status
OPEN 23:00
HP : https://zerotokyo.jp/event/butterfly-effect-vol02/
U-25 TICKET : ¥3,500-
※U-25 TICKETは、2025年3月7日までに25歳以下の方が対象です。チケット受付時に、生年月日を確認できる写真付き身分証をご提示いただきます。ご本人様と年齢の確認が取れない場合は、一般発売価格との差額をお支払いいただきます。
-Butterfly Effect Vol.02-
SPECIAL GUEST : Chase & Status(DJ SET)
DJ : TJO / SO-SO and more
VJ:Jür Nishizato
Coming soon.