Denis Sulta
– 所作 “motion” –
DISK NAGATAKI (TokyoVitamin)
Sato Takeshi (TYTL)
Nari (CYK)
DJ No Guarantee (CYK)
この5年間でクラブミュージック界のビッグスターに成長したDenis SultaがContact初登場! あまり語られることのない、グラスゴーの熱気と遊び心に満ちたパーティシーンから2014年にブレイクを果たして以来、破竹の勢いでスターダムへと駆け上がった注目のDJが真冬の夜をホットに盛り上げる。
〈Dixon Avenue Basement Jams〉〈Numbers.〉のほか、2017年に発足した自身のレーベル〈Sulta Selects〉から着々とリリースを重ね、作品ごとに新たな一面を披露してきたDenis Sultaは、今年1stアルバム「Aye Spoake Te Sumwuhn & They Listenhd」を発表。大バコ仕様のハウス/テクノをエモーショナルに表現することで次なる一歩を踏み出してみせた。
今回の出演では、そうした多彩な側面を5時間のロングセットでじっくりと巡る予定だ。最高潮の盛り上がりを期待したいのはもちろん、ディープなセットで意識の深いところまで潜り込む可能性も! 膨大な数の現場で鍛え上げてきた安定のスキルで、Denis Sultaが壮大なセットを組み上げる。
「The Scottish party-starter brings his big sound to Contact」
The past five years have seen Denis Sulta become a monumental force in club music. From his roots entrenched in the Glasgow scene he broke out in 2014 with a canny take on house and techno that spoke to the city’s oft-overlooked legacy of tough, spirited and playful party music. From labels like Dixon Avenue Basement Jams and Numbers. to establishing his own Sulta Selects in 2017, Sulta has plenty of places to call home, but in 2019 he went one step further by releasing his debut album Aye Spoake Te Sumwuhn & They Listenhd. While carrying through his instinct for big room house and techno dynamics, there’s also a heavy focus on emotional expression in the album, marking a step forward for an artist discovering new facets to his craft with every subsequent move he makes.
When Sulta comes to Contact, he’ll have a full five hours to explore every facet of his sound – you can expect the music to reach stratospheric heights of course, but there will be space for more introspective moments as well. Given his relentless gig schedule, the reliable constant will be the skill with which Sulta weaves together his mammoth set.
Open 10PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥2000 Before 11PM
¥2800 GH S Members
¥3300 w/Flyer
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¥3800 Door
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan
PANIC YOKOHAMA / Kanagawa, Japan