CEM (Herrensauna)
Haruka (Protection | Future Terror)
Sakuma (Modest)
Gonno (WC | Merkur | mule musiq | International Feel)
DSKE (Motorpool)
1017 Muney
DJ Poipoi
Hibi Bliss
2019年のTerra Incognitaに出演して以来、地元のドイツのみならず、ここ東京でも熱狂的なファンを獲得しているCEMがArthralgiaのゲストとしてContactに再登場!
ベルリン屈指のクイアパーティHerrensaunaの中枢を担うレジデントとして評価を確立し、いまやジェンダーを問わない世界的なパーティシーンの旗手として引っ張りだこのCEM。テクノ、アシッド、ブレイクビーツなどのハードなサウンドを、イタロ、ハイエナジー、EBMをはじめとする熾烈なトラックに融合する天賦のスタイルが、沸々とした不穏な雰囲気のなかに官能を感じさせる魅惑のダンスフロアを作り上げる。今回のStudio XフロアでもFuture TerrorのレジデントHarukaとともに、その才能を遺憾なく発揮してくれるだろう。
汗ばむ強度に満ちたStudio Xフロアに対して、Contactフロアでは、GonnoとMotorpoolのレジデントDSKEの心温まるパーティミュージックが心地よいコントラストを提供する。Foyerフロアでは、1-DrinkやDJ Poipoiが出演。さらに多彩な音楽性を味わえる一夜を演出する。
「A trip around the 4/4 spectrum from a natural selector.」
Arthralgia are pleased to welcome the mighty CEM for a return visit to Contact. The German DJ has found a home and fan base for himself in Tokyo, having previously appeared at Terra Incognita in 2018. As a leading resident of Herrensauna, CEM has established himself in the beating heart of Berlin’s queer party scene, and by proxy become an in-demand DJ for parties across the global sexuality spectrum. With a style that naturally fuses hard-edged techno, acid and breakbeat with Italo, Hi NRG, EBM and other such fierce club tackle, his overall atmosphere is one of moody intensity. But there’s still space for sensuality in his style, which will be abundantly clear when he takes control on the Studio X Floor, joined by Future Terror mainstay Haruka.
The Contact floor will provide a lighter alternative to the intensity of the main room, as Gonno and Motorpool’s DSKE roll out a warmer strain of party music. Meanwhile the Foyer will play host to the likes of 1-Drink and DJ Poipoi, taking things in an even more eclectic direction to balance out the action happening elsewhere in the club.
Open 10PM
¥1000 Before 11PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥2500 GH S Members
¥3000 w/Flyer
¥3000 FB Discount
¥3500 Door
Music Bar Journey / Kanagawa, Japan