UNGLER FISH (Taka & Hayato, Melt)
愛染 eyezen -Live
Orange groove -Beat Live
Kasha holly -Beat Live
Snow schneige -Beat Live
Voy -Beat Live
アングラーフィッシュとは、深海生物であるチョウチンアンコウを意味し、そのスペルをUndergroundの響きと重ねることでUNGLER FISHと読ませる。
彼らはフロアを深海と解釈し、音で魚 (踊り手) を釣る魚、つまり自らも音につられて踊る魚であるという意が込められている。
そんな彼らが企む今回のCOWPER 、平日とは思えないほどの豪華な面々だ。
ライヴにはブレイク寸前の男、愛染 eyezenと話題のOKBOY。
ビートライヴには、Orange groove、Kasha holly、Snow schneige、Voyとオープンから、エネルギー放出欲を高めてくれるコクのあるラインナップになっている。
「A full-bodied party hosted by UNGLERFISH for those who can’t wait until the weekend」
The important sources attained by sound and environment through coming in contact with others, which we input, turns into how we release information through the actions we take as source output.
This party, COWPER, focuses more on the process of “build up” rather than the “release” or “discharge” while accumulating the output of the experience of togetherness of the people involved.
UNGERFISH is taken from the deep sea fish Anglerfish and added the twist “underground”. The specie can detect sound made by movements of their prey. They too, in a sense, dance to sound and is where the party name derived from.
For this occasion, they have lineup stellar acts from the local scene for the evening. BLACKSHIP, the B2B unit known for their gaining popularity, will be leading the night along with Tokyo’s underground acts Karinga, live performances by eyezen and OKBOY. Live beats by provided by Orange groove, Kasha holly, Snow schneige, Voy, making this party a nonstop flow of energy from open to close.
Open 9PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥2000 (1D) Door
湘南海岸公園 ヤシと芝生広場 / Kanagawa, Japan