12.26.20 (Sat 18:00-00:00)
CLUB MOVE 23th Anniversary Special + Live Stream @ Club Move, Shiga
DJ:Dazzle Drums, K-SUKE, きんぱ (El Musica), Yo_hey (FEEL)
Instagram (CLUB MOVE) : https://www.instagram.com/clubmove/
Instagram (Nagi Dazzle Drums) : https://www.instagram.com/n_dazzledrums/
Yo_hey 18:00-19:00 JST
きんぱ 19:00-20:00 JST
K-SUKE 20:00-21:00 JST
Dazzle Drums 21:00-00:00 JST
Donorbox (Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay)
PayPal http://paypal.me/dazzledrums
NYC Noon 04:00-10:00 EST
Tokyo Night 18:00-00:00 JST
London Evening 09:00-15:00 GMT
Dazzle Drumsが活動を始めた初期の頃から、DJ出演させていただいている場所が滋賀CLUB MOVEです。
この日のCLUB MOVEは、0時以降はBar営業となります。
Shiga CLUB MOVE is the place where Dazzle Drums has been DJ performing since the early days of our activities.
We wanted to support this important place, so we decided to solicit Donations along with the live streaming from Instagram.
If you come to CLUB MOVE, which has a powerful sound system permanently installed, and enjoy the party with music & lighting at the venue, there is nothing better than that.
CLUB MOVE on this day will be open as a bar after midnight at 0 am.
We are also considering delivery from Instagram during the Bar time zone.
We're very happy to be able to DJ at this place again this year.
Request to Customers to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus.
このパーティは滋賀CLUB MOVEからライブ配信も行います。この配信はどなたでもご覧いただけますが、今後のCLUB MOVEの店舗維持費とDazzle Drumsへの募金として、ご協力いただけたら大変有り難いです。募金は、普段の入場料と近い10ドル(もしくはそれ以上)として、 経費を差し引いた半分を会場のCLUB MOVEに、半分をDazzle Drumsの資金にいたします。こちらの募金について、ライブ配信の回線状況を補償するものではございません、予めご了承ください。
CLUB MOVE 23th Anniversary Special party will be streamed live from venue CLUB MOVE, Shiga. Anyone can view this distribution, but we would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us as a fund to the venue CLUB MOVE and Dazzle Drums. The donation will be 10 dollars (or more), which is close to the usual admission fee, and half of the money will be used for the venue CLUB MOVE and a half for Dazzle Drums. Please be aware that this donation does not compensate for the status of the live broadcasting line.
We hope we can dance with you again.
Brooklyn Night Bazaar / Kyoto, Japan
BEYOND the underground house music party