- Night Event
《Notice of Event Cancellation》
Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, Tokyo has officially announced to implement quasi-emergency measures. Taking this into consideration, we have decided to cancel in order to secure the safety of the attendees, performers, and event staff. For those that were looking forward to the event, we sincerely apologize and ask for your understanding in this matter.
越後修一 (Shibuya Global Bass)
RIYA/ライムライチ (Unza! Unza! Meeting!)
MARI (Eeeek! | Acame)
AMA UU (Eeeek!)
SNOW (倶楽部西原宿)
MUUPY (Mumbai Y Sus Candelosos)
[Rajasthani Dance]
『ワールドミュージックで陶酔する音楽桃源郷 春節の暦』
空気が澄み、焦げた冬の香りが残る立春目前の渋谷、Contact。中国では旧正月休み真っ只中の2月2日、CRAZY BANANAがお送りするHO-HAI春節の暦が開催決定。
多国籍音楽リスナーはもちろん、中東料理ファンにも絶大な支持を得るサラーム海上の、インド、中近東を中心としたDJは、歴史やポップ、神話と大衆といったたくさんのスパイスが複層的に交わる、芳醇なエスニック音楽料理を堪能させてくれる。〈BLACK SMOKER RECORDDS〉からもミックスCDをリリースする、大石始による仰天の日本/アジア土着音楽標本の公開と、旧正月を祝いにかけつける中華的歌謡DJ、PU$$Y好好のこの日のための春節セットも、祝祭を開花させる大きなトピックになりそうだ。越後修一の南半球/辺境サウンドとエレクトロニクスの甘美な邂逅でみせる夕暮れの浜辺の景色や、shochangが舞い上げる灼熱のアフリカの赤い土埃。二度目の登場、DJ HONEYPANTSによる胸を締めつける夜の屋台の物語。BALKAN BEATS TOKYOの新星、ブルガリア滞在を経たRIYAの現地直送サウンドから、SNOWによるサルサ、カリプソ、カリビアンでメスカルを一飲み。民謡クルセイダーズのパーカショニストMUUPYのクンビアが会場内の温度をさらに上昇。CRAZY BANANAクルー、MARIのUK系譜のレベルな響きの隠し味や、AMA UUの空飛ぶ絨毯遊泳、支配人AGの多国籍サイケデリアもこのパーティの醍醐味だ。祭の最中の心地よい疲れと空腹は、ぜひ特別出店の、本格タイ料理バル、ラブエイジア四ツ谷で満たしてほしい。
アヴァンギャルドでカルト、だけど懐かしい幼少のときめき。CRAZY BANANAとContactが2フロアに渡ってお送りする春を迎えるゆうべ、渋谷を離れてみんなでどこまでも飛んで行こうじゃないか。
「Spring Festival, an early paradise with intoxicating World Music」
Just before the start of spring where the air becomes clear and the aroma of burnt winter remains in Shibuya's Contact. On February 2nd, in the midst of the Lunar New Year holidays in China, CRAZY BANANA presents HO-HAI to celebrate the Spring Festival.
Once again, we have 12 experts to grace us with fascinating music from around the world. From the city of China to Africa via The Silk Road, cruising through the Mediterranean Sea to the Balkan Peninsula, flying halfway across the globe to the warm Caribbeans, traveling South America, back and forth from one end of the globe to the other, we take you on a euphoric world journey of music across 2 floors.
サラーム海上 (Salam Unagami), a DJ with expertise in India and the Middle East, has gained great support from fans of Middle Eastern cuisine and listeners of world music. He'll be cooking up an ethnic dish of music rich in spices that layers history, pop, and mythology. 大石始 (Hajime Oishi), scheduled to release a mix CD from〈BLACK SMOKER RECORDS〉, will exhibit his astounding collection of Japanese music/indigenous music of Asia. PU$$Y好好, a DJ specializing in Chinese folk music, will be preparing a special set just for this day in celebration of the Chinese New Year. The Southern Hemisphere/frontier sounds by 越後修一 (Shuichi Echigo) that beautifully encounters electronic sounds paints a view of the sunset at the beach, and shochang soars up Africa's scorching red dust into the air. DJ HONEYPANTS, making his 2nd appearance, brings heart-wrenching tales of the night stalls. After her stay in Bulgaria, RIYA, the rising star of BALKAN BEATS TOKYO, delivers the sounds of the region, and a drink of mezcal to the sounds of Salsa/Calypso/Carribean by SNOW. 民謡クルセイダーズ (Minyo Crusaders) percussionist MUUPY will further increase the intensity of the venue with Cumbia. The CRAZY BANANA crew, the hidden taste of MARI's UK genealogy, the flying carpet ride of AMA UU, and the multi-national psychedelia of the curator AG are also a big part of this party's attraction. If you start feeling a bit tired and hungry during the party, rejuvenate yourself with some authentic Thai food by ラブエイジア四ツ谷 (Love Asia Yotsuya).
Avant-garde and cult-like, but nostalgic like a childhood crush. CRAZY BANANA and Contact welcome Spring across 2 floors, taking you far away from what we know as Shibuya.
Open 5PM - Close 11PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥1500 Advance
¥2000 Door
SUNSET BEACH PARK INAGE(稲毛海浜公園) / Chiba, Japan
横堀海岸 海の家みなとや / Kanagawa, Japan