Elena Colombi (Osàre! Editions | Amsterdam)
Kuniyuki -Live
olevv (-Drone屋敷-)
Tatsuoki (Broad | Fukuoka)
Qmico (QUALIA) (SEXTANS | Fukuoka)
IWAKIRI (Kumamoto)
Kai (Mural)
Luca (Mural)
[Flyer Artwork]
そんな節目が重なる特別な夜に、アムステルダム拠点レーベル〈Osàre Editions〉を運営し、ロンドンNTS Radioで自身の配信プログラムを務めて世界的に支持の高いアーティストElena ColombiがStudioフロアに登場する。3年ぶり来日となる彼女のプレイは、自身の主軸とするレフトフィールドなテクノハウスからインダストリアル、EBM等、幅広く深いジャンルと時代軸の楽曲を用いて実験性とダンスを融合させたグルーヴを展開。その彼女独自のスタイルでオーディエンスを惹きつけていくセットが世界各所から評価され、2018、19年にはアムステルダムの大型野外パーティDekmantel Festivalにも出演を果たす等、多方面で活躍を見せている。その後長いパンデミックの時を経る中、自身のプログラムを毎月務めるNTS Radioを通してアップデートを表現し続ける彼女のプレイは、Broadの祝祭にも相応しいバイブスを生み出してくれるだろう。
国内からは、Elenaとは海外で共演があり自身の即興性とダンスを融合させたセットで世界中から支持の熱いKuniyukiが単独ライヴで登場。そして今年はRainbow Disco Clubを初めとした大型野外レイヴにも多数出演し、ダンスに特化したセットでもワールド要素を組み込んだ多角的グルーヴでフロアを魅了し続けるShhhhh、ヴァイナルを使った職人級のスクリューセットを軸に自身の音楽性が高く支持を受ける-Drone屋敷-のolevv、波形の際立つテクノが評価され福岡拠点にしながらも各都市に出向いている主宰のTatsuokiの5人でフロアを形成する。
Contactフロアからは重心低めかつ湿気ある空間でオーディエンスを惹きつけ、昨年DJ NOBUオーガナイズのRepriseでメインアクトを務めた事でも記憶に新しいQmicoを筆頭に、福岡からElenaを彷彿とさせる実験性の高いグルーヴと時代軸の広いセットで都内のオーディエンスからも注目を浴び始めているSEXTANSの、独創的かつワールド要素あるセットで自身の拠点である熊本の同世代シーンを引っ張り今回Contactは初登場となるIWAKIRI、昨年末に開催したBroadではFoyerフロアをサポートし新世代で一丸となりフロアの活性化に大きく貢献した将来性期待大なMural主宰のKaiとLucaが揃って登場する。
「A culmination of the pursuit of originality in electronic music that connects to the future」
Broad, the party organized by Tatsuoki who moved his base to Fukuoka in Kyushu from Tokyo in 2020, celebrates its 10th anniversary. In 2012, Broad started from zero at Daikanyama AIR on Tuesdays focusing on paying close attention to originality and exploring cutting-edge sounds. The party, currently contributing to the scene in both Fukuoka and Tokyo, moved to Contact Tokyo in 2016 to host on a regular basis. With the closing of the venue this coming Autumn, this will be its last celebration to be held at this location.
For this special evening where such milestones overlap, they welcome artist Elena Colombi, who’s garnered global support for founding the Amsterdam-based label〈Osàre Editions〉and hosting a regular program on London’s NTS Radio, in the Studio floor. The core axis of her style, since her last performance in Japan 3 years ago, is leftfield techno/house to industrial and EBM and fuses a wide range of genres to create experimental dance grooves. Her active role in various fields such as performing at Dekmantel Festival in 2018 and 2019, the biggest outdoor party in Amsterdam, lures the audience with her distinct style that’s highly acclaimed worldwide. She has continued to update her form of expression on her monthly NTS Radio program during the ongoing pandemic, and will surely create a vibe well-suited for the anniversary of Broad.
From the local scene, the world-renowned Kuniyuki, highly praised for his improvisational sets who has shared the stage with Elena overseas, will be performing live. Shhhhh, who continues to fascinate the people on the dance floors of some of the biggest raves including this year’s Rainbow Disco Club with his diverse dance grooves incorporating elements of world music, olevv of -Drone屋敷-, the vinyl enthusiasts with great sensibilities, and the host Tatsuoki, whose techno stands out from the rest playing all around the nation while being based in Fukuoka, completes the lineup. These 5 artists will build the floor in Studio X.
Contact floor, led by Qmico, one of the main acts for DJ NOBU’s party Reprise last year who captures the audience by creating an atmosphere with lower center of gravity while keeping things hot, the diverse and experimental grooves by of SEXTANS from Fukuoka that resembles Elena, the creative sets with essence of world music by the Kumamoto-based IWAKIRI, the scene’s leading figure of his generation who’ll be making his Contact debut, and Mural’s organizers Kai and Luca, the new generation in the scene who contributed greatly by curating and supporting the Foyer floor for Broad end of last year that left us with high expectations for the future, adds to the list.
While keeping the focus firmly on electronic music, the style of crossing between generations and opening doors to explore various genres throughout the night to create a flow will be well kept for this edition as well. And most of all, we’d like you to experience this exceptional evening celebrating 10 years of Broad, 6 years at Contact.
Open 10PM
¥1000 Under 23
¥1000 Before 11PM
¥2000 Early bird
¥2500 Advance
¥2500 GH S Members
¥3000 FB Discount
¥3500 Door
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan
six nine Special Guest HITOMIN
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan
-Hard Techno / Hardcore Techno Rave- "MELTDØWN" vol.02