Ternion Sound, which has been mass-producing heavyweight and deep tracks with innovative sound design based on UK sound, is coming to Japan for the first time as a special guest for the 4th anniversary of BASS MUSIC PARTY "LOW LIFE", which has always been challenging to expand the BASS MUSIC scene with the motto "to produce NEW BASS MUSIC from Japan and to transmit it to the world".
They have released numerous tracks on Duploc, Artikal, Chestplate, Deep Dark & Dangerous, Next Level, 1985, and Gourmet Beats and have successfully attracted the international dubstep community.
Their music has also been supported by scene heavyweights such as Digital Mystikz, Mala, Truth, Caspa, Youngsta, Joker, D Double E, Distance, J:Kenzo, Bukez Finezt, Joe Nice, and many more.
UK sound を基調としながらも常に斬新なサウンドデザインで、Heavy Weight かつ Deep な BASS MUSIC を量産し続ける Ternion Sound が、「日本から新しい BASS MUSIC を産み出し世界に発信する」を標榜する LOW LIFE の4周年スペシャルゲストとして初来日。
Duploc、Artikal、Chestplate、Deep Dark & Dangerous、Next Level、1985、Gourmet Beats などからリリースを重ね、Digital Mystikz、Mala、Truth、Caspa、Youngsta、Joker、D Double E、Distance、J:Kenzo、Bukez Finezt、Joe Nice などのシーンの重鎮たちから若手まで、Underground から Mainstream シーンまでをも飲み込み、幅広い層から厚い支持を得ている彼らを迎え撃つのは、Japanease Bass Music シーンの最重要人物達。LOW LIFE がコロナ禍を含む苦難の4年間で紡いできた、シーンに対するリスペクトから生まれたオリジナリティー溢れる超豪華なラインナップです!
1Fは2022年3月に突如として現れ、怒涛の勢いと抜群の存在感で注目を集める秘密結社 YOTA YOTA CREW が Takeover。
都内の秘密基地にて世界基準のパーティを開催し、熱烈なファンを獲得し続けている彼ら。超絶 Groovy な TECHNO と TRANCE を MIX したハイクオリティーなサウンドと、時を忘れる程の空間演出を WOMB LOUNGE にインストール!
また4F は BASS MUSIC の世界最高峰の祭典 OUTLOOK FESTIVAL 2018 in Croatia にも出演し、世界を踊らせた NATURAL VYBZ による主催イベント UK UNDERGROUND が Takeover。同イベントのテーマでもある「リアルなUK Undergroundシーン」を体現すべく、サイド MC カルチャーにフォーカスした濃密でリアルな BASS MUSIC を体感せよ!
This superb lineup, including some of the most important figures in the Japanease Bass Music scene, is the result of LOW LIFE's respect for the scene that has been spun over the past 4 years of hardship, including the Covid-19 disaster!
On the 1st floor, "YOTA YOTA CREW," a secret society that suddenly appeared in March 2022 and has been attracting attention with its raging energy and outstanding presence, will take over.
They have been holding world-class parties at their secret base in Tokyo, and continue to gain ardent fans. The WOMB Lounge will be installed with a high quality sound mixing groovy TECHNO and TRANCE, and a space production that will make you forget about the time!
Also on the 4th floor, "UK UNDERGROUND," an event hosted by NATURAL VYBZ, which appeared at OUTLOOK FESTIVAL 2018 in Croatia, the world's premier festival of BASS MUSIC, and made the world dance, will take over. Experience dense and real BASS MUSIC with a focus on side MC culture to embody the "real UK Underground scene" that is the theme of the event!
DISCO Groovy / Kanagawa, Japan