「よみがえる大人のディスコ」 9月15日(祝前日)、‘70’80‘90年のディスコを再現します。
- Disco, Night Event
Deeper 80's night New Wave, Disco, Best Hit U.S.A, CityPop, etc..
Deeper 80's night
-FT Birthday-
@Aoyama zero
New Wave, 歌謡曲, Disco, Best Hit U.S.A, CityPop, etc..
dj yumi-cco
moe the anvil
Masayoshi Kimura
Blue Flower
3月のDeeperは、FTのバースデーを兼ねた80's Nightです。New Wave、テクノポップ、Best Hit U.S.A、歌謡曲、CityPop、Discoなど、幅広いジャンルの80'sを楽しめます。出演するdjたちは、80年代の音楽に詳しく、それぞれのプレイスタイルで幅広いジャンルをカバーします。
丸の内ハウス、TRUNK(HOTEL)でのレギュラーを中心に、ジャズやテクノ、ハウス、ソウルなどあらゆるジャンルを横断しつつまとめあげるプレイスタイルが特徴のyumi-ccoさん。New Wave Lounge主催のdjであり、bayfm78、FM桐生の番組内の選曲&音楽解説を担当しており、80'sからテクノまで独自の視点で聴衆を魅了する80年代の選曲が魅力のmoe the anvilさん。青山ZERO、渋谷FAMILYといった都内のクラブでプレイする他、ジャズクラブやホテルのラウンジなどでも選曲活動を行なっており、ハウス、ジャズ、soft rock、80年代の音楽まで幅広くプレイするスタイルのMasayoshi Kimuraさん。そして、コック帽を被ったキャッチーなスタイルでクラブに登場する出張料理人としても有名なキッチン佐藤さんは、ここ10年は80年代和物や歌謡曲をディスコ的解釈でプレイし、ポップな選曲に根強いファンを持っています。FTが、80'sナイトクラブに初めて行ったのが大阪X RAYのロンドンナイトであり、近年も足を運んだKYOTO METROで長年開催のCLUB 80'sに賞賛の意を表しています。また、キッチン佐藤さんが用意する激ウマ焼きそばも楽しめます。
4月からは偶数月の第三木曜日に移動する”Deeper”が、LAST TUESDAY NIGHTを80'sで盛り上げます。是非お楽しみに!
Deeper in March will be an 80's Night celebration for FT's birthday! You can enjoy a wide range of 80's genres such as New Wave, Techno-pop, Best Hit U.S.A, Japanese popular songs of 80's, CityPop, Disco, and more. The DJs who will perform are knowledgeable in 80's music and will cover a wide range of genres with their individual play styles.
One of the featured DJs is yumi-cco, known for her unique play style that crosses various genres including jazz, techno, house, and soul, and she is a regular performer at Marunouchi House and TRUNK (HOTEL).
moe the anvil is a DJ for New Wave Lounge and responsible for selecting music and providing commentary on bayfm78 and FM Kiryu. Her unique 80's music selection from 80's to Techno captivates audiences with her perspective.
Masayoshi Kimura is a DJ who performs at various clubs in Tokyo, such as Aoyama ZERO and Shibuya FAMILY, as well as jazz clubs and hotel lounges, playing a wide range of music from house, jazz, soft rock to 80's music.
Kitchen Sato, who is also known as a catchy styled traveling cook, appears in clubs wearing a chef's hat. For the past decade, he has been playing 80's Japanese pop and Enka with a disco twist, and has a strong fan base for his pop music selection.
FT first went to an 80's nightclub at the London Night in Osaka X RAY, and recently expressed admiration for CLUB 80's, which has been held for many years at KYOTO METRO, where he has also visited. He also mentioned his admiration for Yukihiro Takahashi.
Also, you can enjoy Kitchen Sato's special "yakisoba" dish prepared for the event. Starting from April, Deeper will be held on the third Thursday of even months, so please look forward to it!