Deeper @Aoyama Zero
Blue Flower
偶数月第3木曜日に移ったDeeper。移動後の第一弾は原点回帰としてFTとBlue Flowerの二人会を開催します。Techno,House,Jungle,BassMusicに至るまでの、それぞれの世界観を、都内屈指のサウンドシステムを誇るAoyama Zeroで、聴いて、踊っていただけたら嬉しいです。
東京を拠点に活動する、Deep House,Bass Music DJ/プロデューサー。90年代にTechno DJとして活動を開始。後にJungle,DrumnBassムーブメントに触発され、Ayakoと共にDrumnBassユニット”Love Sound System”を結成。SonyのRoars Recordsからアナログシングルをリリース。Dazzle-T主催のDrumnBassレーベルZeroThreeのコンピレーションへの楽曲提供等を行う。リミックスにおいては東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ、United Future Organization 、Jaya (ex Incognito)、Ambient7等を手がけた。DJとしてはReinforced Recordsのトラックを好んでプレイしていたことから、後にBrokenBeatsに傾倒し、4Hero Dego主催のパーティ2000Blackでもプレイ。現在はAoyama Zero”Deeper”、OATH SUNDAYでのDJ、BassMusic等のトラック制作を中心に活動中。FT&BlueFlowerとしても楽曲制作、Liveも始動。
■Blue Flower
Blue Flowerは、2004年からDJ活動を開始し、2005年から続く「蒼い花」、そして「Deeper」「Perspective」などのイベントを共催。OATH、青山ゼロ、頭バーなど、都内のクラブを中心に、House、Bass Music、Breaks、Reggaeなど様々なジャンルのダンスミュージックをプレイしている。見た目とは対照的な強めで弾むようなビートが特徴で、アッパーなダンスミュージックからラウンジミュージックまで幅広くカバー。常に新しい音を探求し、DJ活動を始めた当初から幅広いジャンルをMixさせることも特徴である。海外のラジオ局にもmixを提供し、2022年にはFTとのユニット「FT & BLUEFLOWER」で、1stシングルをリリースし、Live スタイルでも活動している。また、アーティスト写真を中心に撮影するフォトグラファーとしても活躍している。
Deeper, which has moved to the third Thursday of even months, will hold its first event after the move with a special two-person session featuring FT and Blue Flower, returning to their roots. We would be delighted if you could come and listen and dance to their unique worldviews ranging from Techno, House, Jungle, and Bass Music at Aoyama Zero, known for having one of the best sound systems in Tokyo. This event marks a fresh start for Deeper as we begin a new year in April.
FT is a Deep House and Bass Music DJ/producer based in Tokyo. He started his career as a Techno DJ in the 90s and later formed the DrumnBass unit "Love Sound System" with Ayako, inspired by the Jungle and DrumnBass movement. He released an analog single from Sony's Roars Records and provided tracks for Dazzle-T's DrumnBass label, ZeroThree, and its compilation. He has also remixed tracks for Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, United Future Organization, Jaya (ex Incognito), and Ambient7. As a DJ, he played Reinforced Records' tracks and later became interested in BrokenBeats, playing at 2000Black, a party hosted by 4Hero Dego. Currently, he is active in DJing at Aoyama Zero's "Deeper," OATH SUNDAY, and producing Bass Music tracks. He also produces music and performs live as FT&BlueFlower.
Blue Flower started her DJ career in 2004 and has co-hosted events such as "Ao no Hana," which started in 2005, "Deeper," and "Perspective." She plays a variety of dance music genres, such as House, Bass Music, Breaks, and Reggae, at clubs in Tokyo, including OATH, Aoyama Zero, and ZuBar. Her characteristic beats are strong and bouncy, contrasting with her appearance, covering a wide range of dance music from upbeat to lounge. She is always exploring new sounds and mixing a wide range of genres since she started DJing. She also provides mixes to overseas radio stations and released her first single as a unit with FT called "FT&BLUEFLOWER" in 2022, performing live as well. She is also active as a photographer, mainly taking artist photos.
B side sounds / Ibaraki, Japan