PICKUP 5 Stars SAT, 21 Sep 2019- Sonic Music Presents - SONIC SPACE with APASHE at Drop @ DROP / OSAKA, JAPAN Bass Music Apashe/Voidman/Kenji Marui/UP/yu-more
PICKUP 13 Stars SAT, 21 Sep 2019scherzo - JULIAN JORDAN supported by BYB Amsterdam @ Club Joule / OSAKA, JAPAN Bass MusicTech House JULIAN JORDAN/O-MAN
09.21 (Sat)iD 2019.9.21 sat at rock Star Hotel feat JAIME FORSON & DJ DANTErock star hotel / Osaka, Japan Jaime Forson /DJ Dante /DMITRI ABSINTHE /Naluu /MILK BRO. /Call Me Rodney
09.21 (Sat)NOMITAI WITH DASBLUMEN in OSAKA JAPANSingh's Bar (Singh's Kitchen) / Osaka, Japan D41 /DK-BASELINE /Baikamo /Yona
09.21 (Sat)tamutamucafe 9th Anniversary Party! -Day1-tamutamucafe / Osaka, Japan 吉田ヤスシ /Ken'ichi Itoi /38xxX × MAYUKooO /Unyo303 /DJ COMPUFUNK aka LOVEGOD /YOSHIDA /MASHITA /CHILO /M◎M